Позакласна діяльність з англійської мови



Healthy  lifestyle has become a part of modern culture. That’s why all of us
go  in  for  skating,  skiing, tennis, dancing, swimming, football, basketball
                            and other kinds of sport.
            No doubt people who spend more time with others actually become more sociable,
                            friendly and happy. That’s why relationships that we form in sports camps
                            and clubs are very supportive in our life.

You can see the statements of famous people:

Doing exercises, I want to make my body more well-balanced.

Physical exercises are the healing part of medicine.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We gather in our intellectual club “What? Where? When?”.  So, let me introduce two our teams. Dear captains! Introduce your teams and the members of your team.

(Представлення команд)

Thank you! Take your seats please. Let me introduce our judges. Here they are…
And now it is high time to begin our competition. First of all we want to know  if you can answer the questions.
Dear players! Are you ready to start? Ok!
The teams of the Smartest will have to answer the questions.
1 minute is given to the discussion of each question. Points gets the team that first gives the correct answer. If the answer was incorrect, the opposing team has the opportunity to answer the question.
 Please will be attentive and good luck!
Let’s start:

The first part. Questions about Olympic Games.

What team will be the first?                      A person  that trains sportsmen in this or that kind of sport.
Please, answer the question.

Number …. And it’s the letter from ….

Against you plays …..

Attention! (1 minute)

The time is over. Who will answer?
Attention! The right answer:
Attention! Listen to the right answer:
The score is …..

  1. The Olympic Games have a long and interesting history.
Why are they called the Olympic Games?

      (Because they were first held at a place called Olympia in Ancient Greece.)

  1. As you know the Olympic Games have symbols. Among them is the Olympic Motto.
What is the motto of the Olympic movement?

(Citius, Altius, Fortius which is Latin for Quicker, Higher, Stronger)

  1. The first Olympics were held in Greece in 776 B.C. The last Olympics were held in 393 A.C.
Who decided to organize them again?

(A French man Pierre de Coubertin)

  1. The five rings that are on the Olympic flag have different colours.
What do they symbolize?

(They symbolize five continents)

 Black box.

  1. The winners of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece were awarded by an olive branch
      and laurel wreath. Greeks called them Olympionics. In this box you can find
      modern sports award. It is round and made of gold.


The second part. Questions about the kinds of sport.

Number …. And it’s the letter from ….

Against you plays …..

Attention! (1 minute)

The time is over. Who will answer?
Attention! The right answer:
Attention! Listen to the right answer:
The score is …..

1. The bicycle is old enough-more than a hundred years of age. In 1885 people saw
    a model which looked like modern cycles.
    Where did its first prototype appear? (What country)
(In France)

2. This is a very old kind of sport. Many years it was used for a war. In our minds
    it is associated with the Middle Ages, the romantic time. Atos, Portos and Aramis were
    the best in this kind of sport.
    What is it?


3. . It is a mixture of acrobatic, running, fighting and a fantasy of the tracers.
    The sportsmen are like Batman who does it like these sportsmen.
    What kind of sport is it?


4. Football is the most popular game. Football, or soccer, is an example of a professional
    game. The game of football was first played in one country, and later people began
    to play football in other countries.
    What is this country?

The third part. Video question
This song was devoted to one sport event which was held in Ukraine. Tell me what event do we talk about?
                                                                                                                                                                 (Euro 2012)

The fourth part. A single game (бліц-гра)
 The team goes out. The captain chooses who will answer the 3 questions in a minute.
Please, the captain your choice. (за столом залишається один учасник, інші покидають стіл, один учасник повинен відповісти на три запитання за одну хвилину)

Part 1

  1. Sport game like football but it is played on ice.

  1. For this activity you need much snow and a very good board. 

  1. The sport of moving on ice, wearing boots with long metal parts on the bottom.

Part 2

  1. The sport of two men who hit each other with large gloves on.
In Ukraine they are brothers.

  1. The activity of moving through water using your arms and legs; sport that uses this activity.

  1. The game played with a racket and a light ball by two players or two pairs of players on a court, divided by a net.

Black box.

  1. In this box you can find the lightest sports equipment.
      It is used in the sports game. It is round and white.


The fifth part. Make puzzle. Your task will be to make proverb from these puzzles and translate it into Ukrainian.

(A sound mind in a sound body)

1.  How many players are there in a football team? (11)

2.  How often do the Olympics held? (Every 4 years)

3. How many players are there in the volleyball team? (6)

4. How many players are there in the basketball team? (5)

5. What English-speaking country is the birthplace of hockey? (Canada.)

6. How often does the world hockey championship held? (Once a year.)

7. How is called the running in the distance of 42 km.195 m? (Marathon).

8. Sporting win. (Record)

9. An athlete who walks sitting down. (Chess player)

10. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping, etc. (Athletics)

The seventh part. Video question

Watch video and guess the kind of sport

The eighth part. Questions about the famous Ukrainian sportsmen

Number …. And it’s the letter from ….

Against you plays …..

Attention! (1 minute)

The time is over. Who will answer?
Attention! The right answer:
Attention! Listen to the right answer:
The score is …..

  1. She has won five Olympic medals in her career, four of them were gold.
Her World and Olympic record is the distance of 400 meters for 4 min. 33.59 sec.
She was named “A Goldfish”.
What Ukrainian athlete has achieved such results?
What kind of sport is she famous for?
(Yana Klochkova, swimming)

  1. He is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World's Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place). What is his name?
(Vasyl Virastyuk)

  1. This young woman is an Ukrainian Olympic gold medal gymnast. (Atlanta, 1996).
      The winner of the European Cup (1995), 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals.
      World champion in gymnastics (1995), European champion (1996).
Who is this athlete?

(Lilia Podkopayeva.)

So, we finish this game with the score ….
Thank you very much.
It was the game “What? Where? When?”.

Good bye!

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